I changed various workplaces, some opinions, and many motorcycles, but the idea that wearing a dress made of extrafine wool was an unparalleled feeling of comfort, aesthetics and ethics was a constant conviction of mine. This conception, shared by a few stubborn men, is going through several purgators but is strong enough to adapt and overcome the passing fashions of post-modernity. Moreover, the raging virus at the time these words were written, will accelerate a return to the formal renewed; you might as well prepare in time.
Your dress will have to be sewn by skilled hands, it must have a color and a pattern suitable for you and the circumstance in which you will wear it but above all that you will feel on your skin will be the fabric. In July or December, on the street waiting for a taxi, next to a cold air conditioning or in an overheated room what will allow you to keep comfortable and impeccable will be the fabric you have chosen for your dress. Following me, I will tell you what are the fundamental aspects that you need to know to choose the fabric that is right for you.
This blog of “drapperia” aims to reveal some technical curiosities to those who, by chance or for specific interest, have acquired wide understanding and awareness of the quality contained in the production of excellence of high-level clothing. At the same time, intrigue those who fast with the great knowledge that is expressed in the products of our textile districts and, as far as fabric is concerned, in the Biellesi valleys. The premise is that, through knowledge and culture, the value of the high craftsmanship of the luxury object can be accepted; otherwise, without adequate competence it would be only a pure ostentation of an expensive object or, worse, the illusion of belonging to an Olympus of which the most exclusive "brands" serve as a simulacrum.
The performance of the blog articles assume that it is some intrinsic characteristics of the fabric and the cut that highlight the style of a garment revealing its "aesthetic quality", an essential beauty that is not only based on appearance. Furthermore, it tries to emphasize that in our postmodern and rezomatic contemporaneity, the search for balance in formal elegance is a possible manifestation of moral and ethical stability. Not forgetting that, the supply chain of "really" extrafine fabrics production processes, is highly sustainable both from a perspective of safeguarding thewell-being of people and animals from a point of view of low environmental impact on the planet's ecosystems.
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